Customer service

How to order?

Would you like to place an order at Folky? We appreciate that!

Follow these simple steps to place your order:

  • Find the item you like and place it in the shopping cart by clicking on it.
  • Choose the right size/option, provide the desire amount of products and click on the button ‘Add to basket’.
  • The item is now placed in the shopping cart. Continue shopping or click on the shopping basket (top right of the screen) to check if there is everything you would like to buy.
  • Now you can apply a coupon, if you have one.
  • Click on the button ‘Proceed to checkout’ if you would like to check out.
  • Fill out the form, apply a coupon (if you forgot to do that in the step before), choose the payment method and click ‘Place order’.
  • Now it is time to pay.
  • Afterwards you will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of your order.
  • We will notify you about the changing order status and shipping.

What are the delivery times and costs?

All the information about delivery can be find here.

How can I pay?

All the information about payment methods can be find here.

Can I return the item(s)?

Your satisfaction is very important for us. If you would like to know how to return the item, check here.